Thursday, August 29, 2013

105. A measure of happiness based on the triad Must, Can, Want.

Here is a way to measure your natural flow of activities in life, as being unobstructed according to our desires (close to happiness) or full of frustration and unhappiness.

Let us mark ourselves for 3 weeks every night, of daily activities of that day, what mark they get from 1 to 10, on the three independent factors MUST, CAN , WANT.

Then  we calculate  the average and the standard deviation  of each marked factor of the sample.

If the result is a triad with a high score on the  WANT and satisfactory score on the can, e.g. (MUST=6.5, CAN=5, WANT=8.5) , then your days are close to happiness.
But if they are with low score on the WANT, high score in the MUST etc (e.g. MUST=10 CAN=3 WANT=2 ) then your days are close to unhappiness. 

Of course peace of mind  and happiness come also when we feel that we accomplish gradually our true goals. And there are minor and major goals in life. We might say that our existence has no other goal than to exist. Or that we may have many different goals, according to the scale of relevance in our existence. But one of the most beautiful and meaningful goals in life is to develop more of our soul consciousness. So all other minor goals like social success, money, fame, knowledge , creativity, etc are to serve this major goal of developing more of our soul consciousness

104. A measure of happiness based on the quartet , Be, Think, Do Have.

Here we introduce a measure of happiness, much like the measures of happiness according to the annual measurement of Gross National Happiness (GNH) in the country of Bhutan.

The main idea is to assess if the factors of being, thinking, doing and having are the true desired as it comes from within us or from our soul consiouness , or are imposed from outside centers of power.  In addition of course this is based  on that the desired is the correct inner desire and not a false external desire. Finally if Being , thinking , doing and  having corresponds to the true inner desire, then this is measured as Happiness.

See also the post 4. 

Let us mark ourselves every for the last 5 years , one mark for each year, and then take the average as follows:

Happiness from Having=H(have)=(I_have_what_I_want+I_want_what_I_have)/20
Where I_have_what_I_want and I_want_what_I_have are marked from 1 to 10.

Happiness from Doing=H(Do)=(I_do_what_I_want+I_want_what_I_do)/20
Where I_do_what_I_want and I_want_what_I_do are marked from 1 to 10.

Happiness from Thinking-Feeling=H(Think_n_Feel)=(I_think_n_feel_what_I_want+I_want_what_I_think_n_feel)/20
Where I_think_n_feel_what_I_want and I_want_what_I_think_n_feel  are marked from 1 to 10.

Happiness from Being=H(Be)=(I_am_what_I_want+I_want_what_I_am)/20
Where I_am_what_I_want and I_want_what_I_am are marked from 1 to 10.

Finally we take the weighted average of H(have), H(Do), H(think_n_feel), and H(Be), with weights say 1,2,3,4, (=10)  that is Total happiness=(H(have)+ 2*H(Do)+ 3*H(think_n_feel)+ 4*H(Be))/10.

Some people would argue that the weights should be in the reverse order, with the weight on the happiness of "have" equal to 4, but personally  I prefer, the weight so that the happiness of "Be" is of the highest weight. 

This would be are total happiness average index, for the last 5 years!. 

Of course peace of mind  and happiness comes also when we feel that we accomplish gradually our true goals. And there are minor and major goals in life. We might say that our existence has no other goal than to exist. Or that we may have many different goals, according to the scale of relevance in our existence. But one of the most beautiful and meaningful goals in life is to develop more of our soul consciousness. So all other minor goals like social success, money, fame, knowledge , creativity etc are to serve this major goal of developing more of our soul consciousness

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

103. Transcending , the success of money, the success of fame, the success of social power over people or the success of genetic racial superiority

First an interesting and wise video about success  failure, snob-ism and meritocracy by Alain de  Botton

And here is another video by Rajneesh (Osho) (see e.g.  and or  or

about the search for power

 Spirituality is against all poverty:

Rajneesh-Osho  was very much influenced and has in great parts identical teachings with J. Krishnamurti ( 

Happiness for the people in the community (Ashram) of Rajneesh-Osho was coming through 

1) Escape from the mundane survival mode
2) Eradication of hierarchical power dependence, like employer-employee relations, ownership of share holders to employees, family/relatives dysfunctional relations, authorities power dependencies, over indulgence psychologically to the ownership of private property  etc
3) Improvement of the quality of emotions, getting rid of jealousy, hatred, anxiety , fear, greediness , hypocrisy  , egotism etc
4) Non-instructional introversion and meditation that transcends space and time and the superficial concrete mortal mind  so as to find the consciousness of the immortal soul through the heart.
5) Vegetarian nutrition
6)  Dances, art-celebrations, music, singing  painting, writing etc
7) Liberation from intimate sexual relations problems, derived from hypocrisy  lies, fear, violence, deception, non-realistic commitments and expectations etc.
8) Liberation from prejudices in all areas of life
9) Liberation from unhappy dogmas of religions, sociology, politics, economics, ecology etc
10) Liberation from false ambitions, related to money, fame, social power, racial discrimination etc.
11) Liberation from stressful schedules, and failing projects or targeting and goal settings, concentration on the present and liberation from  "becoming" something else than what we already are.
12)  Liberation from a false and unhappy organization of life, and emphasis on the spontaneous free, fluent element of life.
13) Changing of negative attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices toward life itself.
14) Increase of awareness and consciousness in all levels of life.
15) Closer contact with nature in gardens and parks .

Here are some beliefs that create the reality of the experience of personal and social life for many people in the current civilization. Needless to say that I consider the beliefs below rather wrong.

1) In order to have the right to be alive, anyone in any age, and have access to the resources of the ecological planetary biosphere, or the inherited inventions and achievements of many past generations in the civilization, you must earn the necessary amount of money. Other wise you are not entitle to the above rights. 

2) The economic inequalities are more than 80% a reflection of the meritocracy of the have ones versus the non-haves ones.

3) The economic inequalities (e.g. as described by the Pareto rules of 80%-20%) are the natural mode of evolution of the societies.

4) Every form of success and self-realization and creation of personal competence and value in life, is also the creation of personal financial  wealth.  The more the personal value, the more the economic difference from the average person's wealth. In short money and personal wealth  more or less count also for personal value.

5) Only the state, is the appropriate power to take responsibility and solve all problems of life and society, and I just wait to take advantage of the benevolent solutions. 

6) The right and exclusive privilege of the private industry of the banking system, to issue ("print") money  and circulate it exclusively through debt, does no create in a periodic way massive financial destruction in the societies. 

7) The right of the capital, to buy whole companies, and their human resources power, or the human working time, it is not a form of partial and indirect slavery. 

8) The jungle-law of the powerful animal, as the one that by definition  applies and creates suffering to the weak animals , is also a universal law in the human civilization.

9) Love is a state of weakness. Most often it leads to loss of freedom of loss of personal or social power and unhappiness. 

10) In order for some one to have a successful and happy life, he/she must start with acquiring money and creating sufficient wealth. All else, more or less, will come sooner or later. 

11) The emotions are the most important aspect of the human consciousness and must have the last word in the human decisions. 

12) The only motives of people so as to do what they do in their lives are survival, (including  sex and  procreation) or money (the economic security, or the desire of becoming rich). 

13) The only true value in human life is to fall in love, then to make a family and have children.

14) The natural state of a human being is suffering and unhappiness. Happiness is a rare  intermittent state. 

15) Most things in life are not determined by a human being. They simply happen to him. Few only are determined by him and for few only things he/she is responsible in his/her  fate. Therefore the external conditions determine much more the life than the internal conditions of his/her existence. 

Now it seems that most of the great civilizations in the 8 galaxies around us, that are thousands of years ahead of us, according to their messages, they tell us that they become great because they did not believe in principle as the previous 15 above and the reality of their experience of personal and social life is not one created by the above 15 beliefs. 
(For more correct beliefs, principles ad values to substitute for the above 15 wrong beliefs see e.g. post 92 and 100)

"We , as human beings with soul, are perceivers. We are an awareness. We are not objects and we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way for making our passage through the material realities, convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We (do not) forget that the description is only a description and thus, we have learned not to entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle of physicality from which few rarely emerge in a lifetime." By  Morenay


Transcendence of economic and social inequalities.
Let's count triumphs in our lives not as important  economic ownership, or social or influential power , but as a transcendence  of such criteria and liberation from fear imposed, imposed necessity, enslaving work and blind conformism. Transcendence of economic and social inequalities.

Creating ourselves
Let's count triumphs in our lives, not only as material forms-making mastery, technology and expressive creativity, but rather as the ability to create of own ourselves,  our existence,  our experiences, and then the world around us. 

Existential metaphysics
Let's count triumphs in our lives not  as  blind obedience of faith in some traditional religion but as the ability and freedom to examine our beliefs and search our real existential evolution and self-responsibility in the metaphysical immortal part of our existence.

Evolution of immortal perception.
Let's count triumphs in our lives, not as accumulation of mortal knowledge and information but only as an evolution of our non-mortal  perception  about the physical reality of the world, about institutions of the civilization, of sciences and arts of our culture, about the relationship with  other people and about ourselves with his  his habits of how to exist. This will create our  non-mortal  knowledge than Plato was calling "remembrance".
Besides, by the etymology of the Pythagoreans and Plato the word human=άνθρωπος  "αναθρών α όπωπε"  ie is he who ruminates and understands what he sees,  this is the main feature of a human being.

There are awakened people, that the reason they do not succeed in accumulating money, in acquiring fame, or getting social power, is that deeply in their soul, and spirit, they have not been persuaded but only superficially  that such a type of success, through money, fame or power, is worth pursuing! 
For these awakened people elevating this perception from their subconscious to their conscious is already a great success and happiness. They do not need to succeed on the above terms of money, fame and social power. It is not worth the game of trying at all! This very realization which is of course a conscious clarification of principles and values is a great liberation, transcendence success and happiness. 
And this is only the apophatic or negative stage. Still more happiness and success comes with the positive stage. If money, fame and power is not the measure of their evolution as souls and existences then what is? 

And here someone might ask  "What! You do not value the power as useful in society?"
I must say I do somehow for this state of the civilization. But very often,  in the current situation ,groups of power are for the civilization as someone (the group of power) that tries to pull with a rope a car (the civilization) . Not only it will be very very difficult and somehow redundant , but it will also retard the speed of motion (evolution) that the car (civilization) can have! Power is progressive in a society, when it also offers to  the society the means to neutralize it. 

Any a leader who is supposed that has power, if he/she is really good in his/her leadership, must also be able to transcend the hierarchy imposed by economic system, transcend nature and the physical reality, and transcend the limitations of our mortal life as described below. 


Some of these awakened people that are not seeking success through money accumulation, or private property accumulation, are thinking in the following way: If society and the civilization was not this half capitalistic-half socialistic system with the huge economic inequalities, and it was say a 100% socialistic system where there is no private property and money; would I still want to succeed, by doing what I do? So, is it just a survival need or a way to fulfill my self?  Would the social power through control of land, buildings artifacts, work of  employees that would correspond to accumulating private property and money would be still important to me? Usually for such people the answer is no! It is meaningless to seek this kind of success for them. In fact some of these people may consider the current huge economic inequalities as something completely wrong and unfair, and they do not want to be trapped to its logic of reproducing and increasing its inequalities; That to them the economic inequalities  represent less than 20% meritocracy and more than 80% statistical laws of activities, where money attracts more money etc 
Having realized that they do not contribute to economic  inequalities in this civilization, neither they believe any more that being able to  climb to an economic inequality  minority is the true honor or the true goal of their life. 

Then they conclude that it is meaningless to pursuit the money and private property success by itself, even in the current mixed capitalistic-socialistic system. It is more an artificial desire, of the system or even of family and friends, TV and  films, imposed upon me, they think. For them they do not apply roles like losers and winner, as in order to be a loser or winner you must accept to play the game, and they did not accept to play the game of proving themselves, by making money and social status. They are indeed here and exist and act in this society, but accepting the trendy dogmas about losers and winners is a game they do not play. For such people most of their souls desires or intentions  are nor covered so much by having money, or spending time trying to accumulate money. Of course this does not mean that they should not have the basic income and private property for a healthy and decent life. Simply that the pursuit of a much above the average level of accumulation as a goal by itself, is not their measure of success. 
Their measure of true success is to increase  their frequency as physical body and existence , which means higher quality beliefs , thinking and feeling, and consciousness closer to higher frequencies realities (see post 12) which creates a better combination of the abilities and talents of individuals to a more prosperous society. And our science may not yet be aware of how we could measure this frequency, but their instinct is experienced to what qualities they must have in their life so as to have higher frequency. 

Usually such awakened people find their true souls desires in creativity (art, scientific, ecological  etc) , or human relations etc. For them wealth is the ability to experience happily and consciously the different states and qualities of their existence. Usually the most significant scientific and technology advancements of our civilization are made by such people.
On the other hand some of them may acquire significant wealth but not as a goal by itself but only as a right and as means of changing for the better the civilization. They do so, only if they can without betraying their true principles ,  not so as to get fulfillment from the higher economic status, but because they believe they have right to the civilization inheritance, and because they want to use it to influence , decrease the economic inequalities and improve the civilization. And by no means they consider it as a proof of them being more worthy than other individuals that have not acquired similar wealth.

When someone comes in contact with the elite oligarchy that dominates (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according to them  the problem of the civilization is that the good, virtuous and worthy people are few  and are those that  dominate and have, while the bad , immoral and unworthy are the many,  who are dominated and have not. So the issue is how to defend the good and few, and will fight the bad and many.

On the other hand when someone comes in contact with the majority that is  dominated (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according to them  the problem of the civilization is that the  many are sufficiently good, virtuous and worthy, and are those that are dominated and do not have, while the few that dominate and have, are the bad, immoral, and unworthy to stand up to the planet circumstances. So the issue is how to defend the many and good, and fight the few and bad.

To my perception, it is quite certain, that the extreme inequalities between those that dominate and have against those who are dominated and do not have, are themselves the source of delays in the evolution of the civilization.

The economic system (of capital and free market etc) and especially  the monetary and banking system, has the property of creating inequalities even if all individuals were clones of the same person with the same abilities (like robots created by the same manufacturer, but having a internal random generator to emulate free will). This property of creating inequalities is a manifestation of the "law of universal attraction in activities" where money and an organization  attracts more money and reproduces the organization. This means that   with statistical mathematical certainty the majority of the population will be in deprivation, and a significant percentage of the population will result in to deep poverty, misery, illness, and even deaths. Therefore the economic system itself is the bearer of negative and lethal will for a significant percentage of the population. 

The ones that have and dominate others have I think a weak point: Fate gives them an excuse of being there only because they some how serve (well or not well) the power of evolution in a civilization. This is the key from which those that do not have and do not dominate,  can level with them, and even steer them to directions of higher benefits to all. 
It is often insightful to perceive both , those that have and dominate (overtly or not) and those that do not have and do not dominate, as if random roles in a great theater, that cannot be taken seriously too much. 

Honoring our existence means also giving more value to our perception of the world which has been acquired and elaborated with many efforts , than the world itself. To give more significance  to our deeper principles and values, that those socially realized in the civilization, (in case we find the latter inferior and not suiting to us). To give more value to our seemingly mediocrity or even  seemingly "failure", "loneliness"  or "isolation" , that the conventional criteria of social success, after conceptions and beliefs that are not in congruence with our deeper principles and values. And there is no vain selfish arrogance or false pride in it, but only real competent experience and respect for high quality principles and values and of our deeper existence. 

Of course peace of mind comes also when we feel that we accomplish gradually our true goals. And there minor and major goals in life. We might say that our existence has no other goal than to exist. Or that we may have many different goals, according to the scale of relevance in our existence. But one of the most beautiful and meaning goals in life is to develop more of our soul consciousness. So all other minor goals like social success, money, fame, knowledge , creativity etc are to serve this major goal of developing more of our soul consciousness


(see also post 12 and 110)

And there is an even smaller  minority of awakened people that goes even further in this transcendence.
When we think that the world can only be the way we see it in our planet, we easily are seduced to wrong dogmas and beliefs about how a civilization and the human life should be. 
If we could know the full spectrum of how other more advanced civilizations are in the galaxies, and how are different ranks of frequency and atomic structure  physical realities and natural biospheres from plants animals etc, then maybe we would abandon our exclusive moral or other dogmas of how we should live as human beings , and combine our abilities in a meaningful civilization. (see also post 12 and 110) 
This smaller minority of people realize that even the non-artificial civilization system, namely nature itself, is not of their spirit. They do not try to fit themselves in this nature or social reality. On the contrary they try to see and select what parts of nature and social reality would fit their deeper existence as human beings. They observe the plants, animals, bugs, jungle, and realize, that this creation is full of monstrosity, predator-prey interactions, pain and mutual survival killing, as well besides morphological beauty and biological ingenuity. Of course this is not so new, most of the Buddhist masters teach the abundance of pain in nature and the visible world. They are repelled by the mundane obligation of little animals either to kill or be killed to survive. The obligation of the great predators like crocodiles, wolfs, lions , tigers , eagles etc always to have to create fear and experience hate from  all other animals! This does not mean of course that such people do not enjoy nature in a garden or park, or in places where the jungle element is not that obvious. On the contrary they learn to find what is agreeing with their spirits in smaller parts of nature, or single creatures. Such people are usually vegetarians. But even having to kill a plan to be fed is not satisfactory to them. Sometimes they become 100%  fruit and seeds eaters. Some of them become breatharians (see e.g.  or  or ) that live for months only from the energy of sunshine, oxygen, and meditation. 
Such people go beyond Buddhist teaching: not only transcending the visible full of pain material world, but looking forward to a better (higher frequency) invisible material world full of invisible planets, living creatures, with less pain, and death. (see posts 12 and  110)
Some of these people believe that in the 3rd frequency micro-resolution reality and higher (or 2nd ethereal reality and higher see post 12), there are, invisible to us, planets and living biospheres with trees and living creatures and advanced civilizations in our solar system and among the galaxies, of entirely different physical material ecological nature,  easier in interaction with the spirit , mind and feelings, where no living creature has to kill another , to live. They live from energy from their higher frequency sun, and ambient free energy. It is not a naive concept or mythology of "paradise"! No! it is simply a higher frequency,  better biospheres;  and there are of course even better such biospheres as the scale of frequencies is escalated  to higher values (see post 12 and 110).  They also believe that even our civilization and planet earth, given sufficient evolution and time it will metamorphose and become such a higher frequency and finer micro-resolution biosphere, nature and civilization. (In the web this known as the 3rd to 4th density or dimension, migration of the planet)  Furthermore they believe that under normal conditions such civilizations of the galaxy have the population of their  societies, spread among 4 different frequency realities (see post 12) e.g. the usual 1st micro-resolution material reality but also in the 2nd, and 3rd even 4th micro-resolution reality. So it is not that they believe only in a flat communistic society with no differences of abilities and evolution among people. And it is not  that they do  not believe that it is natural that there would exist  different ranks of evolution among the members of the society, so common in capitalism; but these ranks are nor artificial, defined from the society e.g. based on money , private property , technology or genetic racial biological status, but by a cosmic physical  way, by the frequency and micro-resolution atomic reality of their physical bodies, and thus frequency of the reality and ecological biosphere that they live. In addition social inequalities of people of such  societies, who are in the same subset of same frequency reality e.g. ordinary 1st frequency material reality, as our society, are minimum, and unimportant
Advancement in technology may give to some people power over other people, but it is the quality of the consciousness and soul with which technology is used , that gives the higher frequency in our body, not the technology itself. 

The only true material meritocracy, cosmically proved, is that of the frequency of micro-resolution atomic reality (see post 12 and post 110) where their physical bodies are living. And this material meritocracy is not achieved by accumulating money, or only technology or only better genetic DNA,  but mainly through inner development of the quality of the consciousness and spiritual self which is reflected to higher frequency and finer atomic structure in the material body. 
Non-material meritocracy is of course a totally different assessment. 

By believing therefore that  the spiritually and technologically more advanced civilizations of humans in the galaxy , do not use neither money, neither technology  neither genetic racial superiority as correlated with the worth or superiority of people within the society of their civilization , and do not have significant inequalities in the living standards for people living in the same frequency  physical reality and civilization, then they are liberated of the dogmas of our civilization about money private property , technology and social power as the only measure of meritocracy or goal of life. For example if people A in our civilization  with more money, more social power, better technology, etc still have the same range of frequency of their physical bodies with poorer people B of less social power and worse technology then   in the "universal eyes"  of the advanced civilizations of the galaxy (but in their eyes too) ,A and B   do not have worthy differences between them as human beings in spite the economic, power and technology differences! So our material measures of meritocracy in our civilization (money, genetic, technology ) are not used by the more advanced civilizations. Does that mean something? Does it mean that our material meritocracy is simply a collapsed scale of differences where in fact there are no real differences? Collapsed as the "walking" of the snakes? So trying to prove your superiority through these measures is a vain and trapped pursuit? 

And even if such awakened people  make money or social power, it has not the absolute meaning we are used to. 
For such awakened people of our society that believe all the above, their ideals and perspectives of nature itself are different from what we see in nature right now, and that is why, they are liberated of the obvious phenomenology and the profane. 
So for these people their very existence in this current frequency material reality has a different than the ordinary meaning. They are free from dogmas like "The large fish eats the small fish, this is the law in society too" . They are free from religions that claim that "the good-God shepherd  has his  faithful people as His sheep and vineyard". They are free from the dogmas of domination of predator over prey, violence, and blood. They are free from dogmas that the only way an economy can exist is only after the laws copied from pray-predator relations in the jungle. Free from the dogma, that all the world is behaving and empowered by violence, fear and blood, as the interactions of all living creatures in nature. Why? Because they believe or are aware of higher frequencies "nature" and physical realities.

Going one step further the previous awakened people, and so as to be happy, they search through meditation their eternal part of their existence (their hyper-consciousness see post 45). Their soul and spiritual self.  Most of them believe in the reincarnation or re-birth of the human soul. This is done with spontaneous or organized silent voiceless and without images meditation  that goes beyond their  mortal and material fabric of space and time. Not by focusing on the present as many gurus claim, because present is another category of time like the past and the future. But by transcending all the three, present, past and future. This is done also by transcending the mortal concrete mind , to the abstract immortal mind or even deeper. Transcending the mortal concrete mind does not mean that we blame every problem to this part of the mind, as many gurus claim. No! They do need a more perfect concrete mortal mind too to solve problems. Problems are nor all created by the mortal concrete mind. Problems maybe created by the physical reality too, by genetics, even by the soul and the spirit. 
So these awakened people through this awareness of the eternal intent of their soul, they find what they want to do with their life. Some of them might be in their previous life in other more advanced civilizations of the galaxy, in the same level of 1st frequency micro-resolution reality (in other words our known material reality), but the society of these civilizations might not use money at all, and might not have but very unimportant inequalities in the living standards  It is obvious that such people being in our current civilization might make them feel quite uncomfortable and meaningless with the economic inequalities we have. Still other such people in their previous lives might be in higher frequency micro-resolution reality, planetary biosphere and even more advanced civilization.  For these people not only our society but even our ecological jungle-kind biosphere makes them feel very uncomfortable. 
In any case, when such awakened people find their true eternal soul intention, they proceed in activities in our society. These activities, creative or self-developing etc may lead them to have money, social power, and fame.  But all these three (money, social power, fame) is only the means to their inner goals. These inner eternal goals maybe also useful to the civilization as whole, and to the existences of other people. Because the deeper you go in your existence, the more you find the existence of the other human beings too. For them wealth is the ability to experience happily and consciously the different states and qualities of their existence. Therefore money, fame and power, of these awakened people (that can be either in the private sector or in the public sector) , is mainly for the common good too, are progressive for the civilization , and are not goals by themselves. On the other hand, there are people (either in the private sector or in the public sector) that do make money, fame and power, but only because they have them as goals by themselves. Usually these people reach to dead end, and their money, fame and power are of the regressive negative type, leading to indirect or direct destruction in society, and the other people. So both money and fame can be regressive. 

Money if seen as right to the resources of the planet, is something that seems good and progressive and at minimum survival level all should have it unconditionally. Because ecological life and civilization inventions as well, is a common inheritance for all, and no minority should monopolize them creating  damage to the rest of the people. 
But if money is conceived as a medium , a technology for people to apply power to other people,  then they are regressive if this power is regressive and progressive if this power is progressive. 
And if also money is conceived as a means to increase or decrease inequality of living standards in the society, then it is regressive usually (not always)  when it increases inequalities and progressive usually (not always) when it decreases inequalities.

 The same with fame. Fame can be regressive too  (for the society I mean not for the famous person). There is so much negative will hovering and entertained in our civilization, that sometimes you do not acquire fame unless what you do to society is sufficient destructive to some measure. Of course the fame is still hypocritically positive and non-awakened people do not realize what is really happening   And you do not acquire money or power unless what you do to society is sufficient destructive to some measure. 
The question if money, fame and power in total sum for the civilization is in the side of regressive negative will or progressive positive will , is something that we will not discuss in detail here. But most people believe in the current debt-crisis that for the moment (2013) the social powers, through the monetary-banking and financial system, are regressive and destructive for the civilization. Many times in the history, negative evolution has been reversed to positive, we never know exactly, when and  what the future will be. 

Some of them may acquire significant wealth but not as a goal by itself but only as a right and as means of changing for the better the civilization. They do so, only if they can without betraying their true soul principles ,  not so as to get fulfillment from the higher economic status, but because they believe they have right to the civilization inheritance, and because they want to use it to influence , decrease the economic inequalities and improve the civilization. And by no means they consider it as a proof of them being more worthy than other individuals that have not acquired similar wealth.

Honoring our existence means also giving more value to our, with many efforts, elaborated  perception of the world, than the world itself. More significance  to our deeper principles and values, that those socially realized in the civilization, (in case we find the latter inferior and not suiting to us). More value to our seemingly mediocrity or even  seemingly "failure", "loneliness"  or "isolation" , that the conventional criteria of social success, after conceptions and beliefs that are not in congruence with our deeper principles and values. And there is no vain selfish arrogance or false pride in it, but only real competent experience and respect for high quality principles and values and for our deeper existence. 

In conclusion we see that happiness in our mortal life comes when we transcend our mortal life, and discover the true eternal intent of our immortal existence. 

All the above may seem strange and non-real to the majority of people, but there is certainly a minority of people who think and feel that way. 
And all the above discussion helps us understand that success is such a relative social or individual value and measure, and even the non-success can be a success to many people as long as they realize their true spiritual and soul intentions , principles and values. 

Of course peace of mind comes also when we feel that we accomplish gradually our true goals. And there minor and major goals in life. We might say that our existence has no other goal than to exist. Or that we may have many different goals, according to the scale of relevance in our existence. But one of the most beautiful and meaningful goals in life is to develop more of our soul consciousness. So all other minor goals like social success, money, fame, knowledge , creativity etc are to serve this major goal of developing more of our soul consciousness