The human existence is rooted in spiritual intentions and is initially a volitional being. But spiritual intentions is like a steady unperceptive low speed wind , and very often what we observe in the life of a human personality is the emotionalism or his intellectual intelligence (artifacts, science etc) behind his actions. So we conceive the human existence not by his primal root (spiritual intention) but by the secondary manifestations like emotions or intelligent thinking. So individual often perceive themselves as "I feel" selves or "I think" selves or "I act" selves. Not as "I will", "I intent" selves . This gives the opportunity to strong "anchors" of will and intention in the planet, to influence and bend massively the free-will of other human personalities to work-out their hidden agendas, and intentions, simply because a large number of human existences following the line of least resistance find it more convenient to follow these strong wills, in spite the fact that in some deeper level their consciousness and soul may disagree. The expression that can be used here is the human personalities have in some hidden subconscious level "signed a contract" to serve and work out these lines of influence and energy of these centers of strong will with exchange social power, money , success and influence. Such centers of strong will may be existences on higher frequencies physical realities in the planet or even specific strong type incarnated personalities in social life. Due to lower development of humanity the last 25,000 years and specific history of the planet earth, such centers of strong will were mainly of negative , evil, criminal and predator-type of will. So a large number of human personalities in some phase of their life have "secretly" and subconsciously "signed the devil's contract" to serve a hidden negative will towards the massive collectives of society, towards "other people" and in general "towards any direction other than ourselves" (and a small click of similarly "contracted" other "fellows" ). This is their "secret" : Results and goals in society are attained faster , and in a more successful way, if behind every effort in social activities there is a hidden negative will. In addition they get social power money and influence in a faster and easier way. The masses are unsuspected and naive.......! This is how the regressive medicine, the regressive justice, the regressive education, and the regressive-anything-initially-positive in society appears. Regressive here meaning exactly with hidden negative intentions, negative and involutive effects in civilization and soul evolution , through the surface and excuse of institutions , rules , lows etc initially set for positive and progressive effects.
But there has come a time that this is changing in planet earth. I will not go further of why and how, and what is the relation with other galactic and more powerful centers of will, but it is definitely changing. More and more the centers of hidden negative will are eliminated, and more and more human individuals wake-up and resign of such "contracts with the devil". or "contracts with the beast or monstrous". More and more such "secrets" are no longer secrets and any sensitive human being can sense it in another human being no matter how well the other side tries to hide it.
And what it is very important to realize, is that a human existence must seek his own spiritual will and intent no matter how subtle and imperceptible may be , must be set free from strong influences and take responsibility of his own evolution and consciousnesses substratum of social life.
When someone comes in contact
with the elite oligarchy that dominates (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according
to them the problem of the civilization
is that the good, virtuous and worthy people are few and are those that dominate and have, while the bad , immoral
and unworthy are the many, who are
dominated and have not. So the issue is how to defend the good and few, and
will fight the bad and many.
On the other hand when someone
comes in contact with the majority that is dominated (overtly or implicitly) he notes that according to them the problem of the civilization is that the many are sufficiently good, virtuous and
worthy, and are those that are dominated and do not have, while the few that dominate
and have, are the bad, immoral, and unworthy to stand up to the planet
circumstances. So the issue is how to defend the many and good, and fight the
few and bad.
To my perception, it is quite certain, that the extreme inequalities between
those that dominate and have against those who are dominated and do not have,
are themselves the source of delays in the evolution of the civilization.