Sunday, May 1, 2011

62. The habit of health: 17 best nutrition principles



(many of the principles below are suggested either by the western science or the eastern satvic movement)

The basic principles that differentiate foods can be based quite simply on the energy cost of digestion. The ratio of the (absorbed) caloric energy of a food to the caloric energy for digestion by the body is a measure of food efficiency

Efficiency=(Energy of food absorbed)/(Energy to digest it)

Thus, carbohydrates are the most energy-efficient type, followed by fats and finally proteins, which are difficult to digest by breaking down into amino acids.

Fruits stay in our body for only 3 hours. Vegetables (and cereals) only 6 hours while legumes and nuts (proteins)  18 hours. Digestion reaches 70%-80% of the daily metabolic energy consumed.

In general, the lighter the digestion of food, the more energy the body has for self-healing

and for other  spiritual and sports activities. In the following nutrition  system after that

the  typical day has a  profile of 10% protein, 15% fat 75% carbohydrates.

Some may consider this a protein fasting. But as there are also 1- 2 days a week with a zone nutrition (see 3)) the protein "fasting" gives the body time to heal itself and degrade damaged proteins in tissues, while on the day of the zone nutrition with 30% proteins it has the opportunity to rebuild tissues. This waving is more efficient than a constant profile.

Of course, the more water-rich a food is, the easier it is to digest. The characteristics of quality foods are

A) Raw living B) Plant-based C) Rich in water D) Not very industrially processed

Highly (industrially) processed foods lead to a) Limbic hunger (one wants to eat more

because there is a feeling that something is missing from the food) b) they are more

difficult to digest c) they leave more toxic residues in the body and support obesity.


1) The circadian rhythms (3 intervals of 8 hours a day, intake, assimilation, elimination) start at 12 noon with fruits and light meals and end at 8 p.m. with the most demanding for digestion meals (e.g. zone nutrition which requires much protein). The general rule is the lighter the digestion of the meal the more energy you gain.

2) Intermittent fasting (from 8 p.m. to 12 noon next day which are the assimilation and elimination cycles no eating) The intermittent fasting cures partially the obesity. Its main effect is detoxing and self-healing. The rest of the cure of obesity is by zone nutrition (see below) and 24h-48h or 72 hours monthly fasting.

3) Zone nutrition (2 times a week meals with a ratio in grams of protein / carbohydrates between ½ and 1 as is in nature e.g. in nuts, etc., which require a lot of protein. The profile e.g. 30% proteins, 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats is a zone nutrition profile. This activates the meta-hormones of eicosanoids and optimizes the endocrine system, giving cure to the obesity hormonal disorder In the case of obesity though the days of the zone nutrition must be in total calories 66% of the burnings of the metabolism.),

4) Percentage of protein in foods as low as in nature. Most vegetables and fruits also have the 8-9 essential amino acids that the body does not produce. (About only 10%-15% on average in calories of protein and because proteins cost a lot of energy in digestion and cause artificially poor aging. Less protein and in general less quantities of food , leads the body to self-healing). So an ordinary day has profile 10% proteins 15% fats 75% carbohydrates.

5) Low fats (about 10% because cost a lot of energy in digestion and to avoid obesity),

6) Avoid gluten as much as possible (blocks the metabolism) ,

7) Avoid lectins as much as possible (they are proteins toxic to the intestines. Nightshades contain the most),

8) Avoid monopolizing starch and foods with a high glycemic index (starch and other sweet foods) as they raise blood glucose and prevent the use of stored fat.

9) Prefer 70% water food (we are 70% water as well all ecology on earth, e.g. utilize many soups). In general, the water rich foods should be more than 70% in volume and the water poor foods (grains) at most 30%.

10) Vegan nutrition (the human body is not made to eat and digest flesh, we are artificial omnivorous. The main reason of course is moral and ecological). If there is a cooked food , it is good to me eaten not later than 1 hour after cooking. And within vegan nutrition, the raw vegan (raw vegetable foods) is the best in percentage of vitamins and other live nutrients.

11) You prefer the raw recipes of nature and thus get rid of the lifestyle and diseases such as e.g. the obesity, of the processed food industry. (2 types of food are raw a) fruits-seeds-nuts and b) plant bodies that include the roots. The only acceptable treatment is the one that a housewife can do in her kitchen on a plant and its fruits or seeds. ).

12) You prefer the alkaline diet (better than the acidic diet that weakens the immune system. The alkaline diet also conforms to the rule of low 15% protein as proteins are usually acidic)

13) Food combination rules. In every meal, must exist at most one kind of concentrated (almost solid) food. Any food which is not fruit or vegetable is considered concentrated food. When you combine in a meal (which is not zone nutrition) grains (poor in  water)  and vegetables (rich in water) the grains must be at most 30% and the vegetables at least 70%. And such a meal with grains must be at most once per day. The other meals (if any) must be with vegetables or fruits. There are only 3 types of foods in this nutrition system. a) Fruits b) vegetables c) grains. And there are only 3 types of meals a) Only fruits b) Only vegetables c) Vegetables >=70% in volume and grains <=30% in volume.

14) Rules of one dish-meal, small and many bites and exchange of the 2 basic foods of nature (a) plants bodies and b) seeds, nuts , fruits etc) that although only two are alternated in different sub-species for a variety of flavors and simple meal design (fruits-seeds and vegetable plant bodies in ratio ½ as in 13) ). With only one dish at a meal, there is a direct and simple control over the design and quantity of food. With small bites the pre-digestion becomes better, and the satiety comes faster. Eating little, like a few only proteins and fats, leads the body to self-healing, longevity and better health in old age. Those that want to lose weight with eating less, should use not the western plates but the traditional Chinese balls that are much smaller and instead of forks the traditional Chinese wooden sticks, that lead to smaller bites. And they should never forget that losing weight for ever is synonymous with detoxifying the organism.

15) Rule of maximum and minimum variety and weekly cycle. During the week, the variety and completeness of indicated different foods should be the maximum, but at each meal the minimum (one only kind food in the meals), as each natural plant-food of nature is in itself the best recipe, and the fewer kinds in the meal the easier it is for us to digest. This also means that the nutrition must be designed on a weekly cycle. The weekly designed nutrition with a weekly (not daily) maximum variety, is the key to the easy with fidelity conduction of a system of nutrition  E.g. with the system 2-2-2-1. Which is 2 consecutive days of much protein (e.g. zone nutrition) 2 consecutive days fasting from protein, 2 consecutive days fasting from lipids (fats) and 1 day normal.

16) Drink about 2.5-3 liters of pure water per day. The quality of health is upgraded.

17) Freedom from the addiction to bad nutrition habits rules and strategy to change them , are similar to drug addiction detoxification rules: Seemingly infinitesimal gradual changes in the quality structure and quantities of meals, so that the subconscious does not notice a difference when changing old habits to new better eating habits. It is good especially in cases of obesity, 24h or 48 h or 72 h fasting each month, with only water, tea, coffee without sugar and broth (not soups) of vegetables.


The best two books on good nutrition principles that I have read, i use and recommend are
1. "Fit for life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond (Warner books edition 1985)
2. "The pH miracle: balance your diet reclaim your health" by Robert Young PhD. 2002.

Then there is alo the book on zone-nutrition by Dr Barry Sears.

3. Mastering the Zone: The Next Step in Achieving SuperHealth and Permanent Fat Loss

0. The water/ half solids/ solids,  proportions (about 70%/20%/10% ) principle.

This is one of the greatest principles of nutrition , and that is why we state it as the first principle. This principle state that the water is about 70% in the ecological biosphere of the planet, and also inside a living human body. Thus nature has regulated by statisticalaverages, that when animals or humans are fed, their natural food too, is bound to be about 70% water. Therefore there is  a natural proprtion of water, half- solid and solids in the  recomended human food which can be about >70%, <20% , <10% .This is important because deviations from this proportions may lead to  digestive problems , metabolic problems and eventually to obessity. Thus two diffferent diets A, B of the same total value in Kcals , the first A in the right proprtions and the  B in the wrong proprtions (e.g. >60% solids, starches, grains, nuts etc and <40% watery fruits, leafs etc) may have the different effect, the A to make you lose weight and the B to make you increase in weight! It is very well known that diets where the carbohydrates are more than 70% fruits, salads of watery leafs etc and less than 10% grains, starches and nuts, very often make you lose weight, especially if your diet so far was of of the wrong proprtions (e.g. >60% solids, starches, grains, nuts etc and <40% watery fruits, leafs etc).

1. The least energy  principle of nutrition.
According to this principle, the digestion function is the largest consumption function, of energy in the organism.  Digestion consumes more energy than running or swimming etc.
So in order to save energy for other higher functions (like creative work, socializing, athletics, dancing etc) it is best to be fed with foods that require the minimum digestion effort from the part of the organism. The digestion of proteins, and meat is the most energy costly digestion for the organism. Thus salads, stark, fruits etc are preferred.

2. The daily rhythms nutrition principle.
According to this principle the various time zones of the day are not equivalent relevant to the type of food the human organism is inclined to consume. Medical studies show that the burning activities of the human organism are lowest in the morning when he (she) gets up, middle in the mid of the day, and maximum at the end of the day. In addition the starting level of burning rate, in the morning is not every day the same, it depends on the morning activities and breakfast, and the rest o the day will raise from his level up. S days with higher morning burning level will end in the evening with higher burning level than other days. The nutrition according to this principle should follow 3 time zones of 8-hours each:
a) From  8 p.m. to 4 a.m. in the morning. The assimilation cycle. The organism assimilates the food eaten the previous day. As it coincides usually with the time of sleeping, no eating is statistically recommended during that time.
b) From 4 a.m. to noon 12 a.m. The elimination cycle. During that time the organism needs to get read through excretion, the part of the food not needed. As it coincides with the time of lowest burning rate of the organism, it is recommended eating only fruits alone without any other food, or later towards noon light salads. It is very important that  the fruits are eaten alone without combination with any other food, as the organism digests them better, and fast only when their are alone.
c) From noon 12 a.m. to 8 p.m. The appropriation cycle. As at this time the burning rate increases toward its maximum, heavier food is eaten like starks, proteins etc.

2. The principle of proper food combining (energy argument).
According to this principle and after the principle of least energy cost in digestion, we should avoid combinations of foods that the digestion is longer sometimes double than the normal.
Starks require digestive liquids that have alkaline pH, while proteins require digestive liquids with acid pH. If the meal includes both, then, during digestion both liquids with alkaline pH and acid pH are secreted , which neutralize each other and the digestion goes longer and longer , from 3 hours which would be the normal up to 8 hours! Therefore we should not combine e.g. spaghetti with meat, and in general stark with proteins. It should be meat and proteins with salads, and in different meals starts (e.g. spaghetti) with salads. salads and vegetables require neutral pH in the digestive liquids. The reasons that such not recommended combinations e.g. of spaghetti or potatoes with meat is so popular, is exactly that: In ages that the people were poor and was little food, such meals would require longer digestive time, and would make you feel, without hunger for many hours. But in modern times no such need. So the proper combination should be so as to have either an alkaline pH meal, or an acid pH meal not both.
Within this principle is also the principle of proper fruit consumption. Fruits must be eaten always alone, without combining with any other food. The speed, of fruit digestion is very high when they are eaten alone, and the ability of the organism to assimilate their sensitive vitamins is possible only when they are eaten alone.

3. The  pH principle of nutrition
According to this principle, the healthy organism in its entirety, has a slightly alcaline pH, not neutral. When there are a lot of parasite bacteria, and microbes in the organism, the pH is slightly acid rather than alkaline which makes the immune system work, more difficult.
So after this , the best meals are those that the ingredient are of alkaline pH, rather than acid pH.
In the book above by Robert Young, there are detailed lists of the pH of most of the foods, In general meats, and fish, stark have acid pH, while vegetables alkaline pH. Such tables can be found in the web too.

4. The zone-nutrition principle (foods impact on hormons).
According to this principle (based on the 1982 Nobel price about the eicosanoids hormons) , when in a meal the ratio of the carories of the proteins to the carbohydrates, is  between 60% to 100% (the zone of balance) , then the organism secretes some hormones called eicosanoids, that regulate the action of the other hormones, and the organism is like doping itself. There is then a feeling of higher energy, and a cure of the metabolic inflammation. The metabolic inflammation appears as a feeling of hunger, but in fact it is just a sign of the need of better balanced nutrition. The eicosanoids are build from lipids. By additing lipids e.g. at least 30% of the total calories for nutrition, it is secreted the hormone cholecystokinin or pancreozymin which gives the feeling of satiety and fullness and elimination of hunger, feeling of not wanting to eat more. This of course is correlated with the dopamine and serononin the hormones of pleasure, which substitutes the lack of these hormones due to a possible lower calories levels ofnutrition whenlosing lipus and weight. Some nutritions supplemenst have exactly the percentage of the zone-balance principle in other words in calories , 1/3 proteins 1/3 carbohydrates 1/3 lipids. The nuts like almonds, pitachios, etc have a natural zone-balance of ratio in calories of carbohydrates to proteins , although they have much more than 1/3 in calories in lipids. The balanced-zone nutrition is recomended for life long basis

And after all 0% of proteins and 0% of carbohydrates are still inside the "correct" balanced zone of relative proprtions. Therefore the intermittent fasting descrbed below is still in the principle of balanced zone nutrition.  There is also the Valter Longo fast-mimicking diet  (professor of gerontology at the USC University of Southern California) who has cretaed the fast-mimicking diet of 70% lipids 15% carbohydrates 15% proteins (in calories) during the intermittent fasting and about 40% ofthe normal calories intakewhich is  still in the balanced-zone of proportions of proteins and carbohydrates as in 4. We may notice that the percentages of the 3 macro-nutrients (proteins-carbohydrates-lipids) in the fast-mimicking diet are about those percentages in nuts, almonds, pitachios , casious etc. The fast mimicking diet is recommended for 5 consecutive days only pnce per month.
About the fast-mimicking diet here

5. The intermittent fasting principle (foods impact on hormons).

As the balance-zone principle , the intermittent fasting principle is based in usingthe food to regulate hormones which in their turn regulate the metabolism. Due to aging, or due to stressfull life , it is secreted the hormone cortisole which blocks fat burning. The cortisole levels are oposed by the grouth hormone which falls when aging. Sleep, walking , sun bathing etc and not-eating increase the grouth hormone thus reduce cortisole levels. On thsi it is based the intermittent fasting , which by regukated time intervals of 8-18 hours per day of not-eating ,manages to decrease the cortisol levels. Of course it is not the only method to decrease the cortisol levels. The cortisol levels fall with intermittent fasting when a) There is not the feeling of deprivation b) the meals are relatively unbalanced nutrition. The main advantage of a carefully controlled complete fasting is  not the weight loss but the the deconstruction and reconstruction of tissues. And after all 0% of proteins and 0% of carbohydrates are still inside the "correct" balanced zone of relative proprtions as above. There is also the valter Longo (professor of gerontology at the USC University of Southern California) who has cretaed the fast-mimicking diet of 70% lipids 15% carbohydrates 15% proteins (in calories) during the intermittent fasting and about 40% of the normal calories intake.which is  still in the balanced-zone of proprtiosn of proteins and carbohydrates as above. We may notice that the percentages of the 3 macro-nutrients (proteins-carbohydrates-lipids) in the fast-mimicking diet are about those percentages in nuts, almonds, pistachios , cashews etc
The intermittent fasting  is recommended at first for two consecutive months, and then for 2 non-consecutive days per week. 

About the fast-mimicking diet here

About the intermitent fasting here

6. The Glycemic index principle (foods impact on hormons). 

Similar to the previous two approaches based on the secretion of hormones is the Glycemic index principle.  According to this approach we avoid foods with high Glycemic index because they raise high the glucose in the blood, which blocks the fat burning.
In particular  sugars, and startches have very high Glycemin index.

7. The vegetarian nutrition principle (morality and health by the original design of the human body)
According to this principle , the human organism is not designed to digest meat. There are several proofs of ir
a) Our teeth are not appropriate for flesh chewing.
b) The human saliva is less acid, than that of carnivorous animals, and for the preliminary digestion that occurs in the mouth.
c) The human digestive liquids are 10 times less acid in pH, than that of the carnivorous animals, so the digestion of meat can go up to 8 hours instead of at most 3 hours.
d) The human digestive intestine is quite longer, than that of the carnivorous animals (something less than double) and while in carnivorous animals, meat stays in the organism not more than 24 hours, in the humans it stays usually 48 hours. So the carnivorous animals are not endangered by the bad cholesterol, while the human organism is endanger for 48 hours.
Meat has also a lot of toxins and much of them are from the putrefactive bacteria (that soften it, as meat has to age to be eaten). Vegetables do not have such high concentrations of toxins.
Realising that the human organism is not designed for eating meat and animal flesh, makes us to be in closer connection with our body and the Creator. It is the indirect invisible influence of the kingdom of carnivorous animals that has created the tradition of animal flesh eating, since the ages of hunting. And this has become an addiction, like the addiction to a cigarette.
The present state of the civilization does not help us to be vegetarians, as the food industry, the restaurants etc are not based on that. So it is not easy to apply this principle. For example from the 22 amino acids the organism produces all of them except of 8 that are called essential and should be provided by the food. If we follow the principle of vegetarian nutrition, we should combine in a meal appropriate vegetables and seeds to provide for the essential 8 amino acids. E.g. combining cereal with legumes we may succeed in having a complete spectrum of amino acids.
By far the abundance of different tastes that are met in various vegetable foods, cannot be compared with the few only tastes that meat and fish have. And it is not only the tastes but also the various nutrition valuable ingredients, vitamins etc that are by far more. E.g. the wheat grass has more than 200 vitamins, quite unknown to the pharmacy , and not existing in meat. Big animals like horses can live entirely on wheat grass.

The whole food industry has an outdated model related to that. American food industry gives almost 50% of the vegetable agricultural production as animal food to grow cattle, for beef and pork meat, which essentially kills the human organism with toxins and cancer dangers. At the same time a large part of the developing countries is underfed and dies from hunger. And the way the animals are grown to slaughter is very close to an indirect tyranny that makes them more vulnerable to diseases (e.g. the well know story of crazy caws). If we would stop  growing animals to slaughter, and utilize directly the vegetarian agricultural production for direct human feeding, we could save almost half of the effort and cost in the food industry that could be used for the developing countries, and at the same time improve the health of the 1st world population because of eating much less meat.
See e.g.

 It is a myth and irrational belief that the only adequate source of proteins can be the animals flesh. In the book above of Robert Young , there are tables that show what caloric value percentage of the vegetables is proteins. You will surprised to read what high percentage in protein are various vegetables. E.g. Spinach is 49% protein from its caloric value, lettuce is 42% etc . Most other vegetables are between 12% and 40%. It is also a myth that only animal flesh can make you muscular strong. There are some kinds of gorillas that have 10 times more muscular power that ordinary humans, and are entirely vegetarian in nutrition.
Here is a rather impressive list of famous historic persons that were vegetarian: Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaak Newton, Voltaire, Henry David Thoreau, George Bernard Show, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Dr Albert Schweitzer, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.
Within the vegetarian principle of nutrition, is also the water content principle of nutrition  that we should prefer foods that are about 70% water inside, exactly as and because our own body is about 70% water.
Nevertheless as the present state of the civilization does not support the vegetarian life style, although we should keep in mind the right direction, we should be flexible when we cannot find the appropriate vegetarian correct meal, and try gradually and statistically to shift towards a vegetarian life style.

Within the vegetarian nutrition principle there is also the raw-vegan principle, according to which, we consume mainly or only  raw vegetarian food. The reason he raw food is better for our health is because it preserves its aether part, and aether material constituents, and also because, the ordinary material chemical constituents like vitamins and anti-oxidants which would be much destroyed if cooking. (About aether, search the web by the key word "kirlian photography" and "half-leaf")

Furthermore within the raw-vegan principle there is also the raw-vegan one-only-kind-of-food-per-meal principle , according to which at each meal we eat one only kind of raw food, e.g. only tomatoes, or only oranges etc, and then after 1/2 or 1, or 2 or 3 hours whenever we feel we want to eat again, we proceed to another meal that has again to be of only one kind of raw food, e.g. only apples or only avocado etc. Which kind of food to eat is entirely determined by what we want to eat. If we want to eat a kind of food, this means that we need it, if we do not want to eat it, it means that the organism does not need it. Such a method of eating meals is good for the organism because the digestion of one only kind of food is very easy and fast for the organism.  Usually it is also used as a method of losing extra weight. 

8. The handsome freedom principle
According to this principle and as many experiments have shown, it is best for the human being to  "listen" to his  thin voice of his organism about what he (she) would like to eat daily, rather than just follow a solid rule of nutrition. At least as long as this "thin" voice is not covered by the loud voice of advertisement and fancy posters.
Experiments with animals have shown also that animals with a lean diet live almost double longer than animals that overeat.

9. The psychology of nutrition habits and beliefs reinstallation, principle
Diets do not work because it is not only the formula and protocol that has to be designed. It is by far different to know what to do from doing what you know. Some times following a diet is as difficult as stopping smoking. There must be considerable work with the subconscious , and effort with special techniques to erase old nutrition habits and beliefs and reinstall new nutrition habits and beliefs, Here the techniques of anchors of NLP is the necessary tool, and of high value. To substitute an old habit like over-eating or eating a particular unhealthy food, one must analyse what is the hidden emotional function that such a habit has and substitute it with another habit that has the same emotional effect (e.g. pleasure, feeling of certainty, reduction of stress, avoidance of sorrow etc) but of different nutritional effect. Also techniques of self-talking, and hypnotherapy may apply. We talk about such techniques  in special posts.

10) Prior prevention of  disease versus posterior cure of disease.
We must not forget that it is always better to retain our health than posterior cure of diseases.

Most of the diseases at the phsyical causal level (not at the emotional causal level or mental causal level) depend and are created by 4  main classes of factors

10.1) Nutrition habits 
which is very relevant to the   Gut health
10.2) Physical habits 
like physical activities , environmental toxins and other contaminating factors, sleeping habits, exposure to sunshine, streesful activities
10.3) Social habits
like psychological types pf people that we encounter and intercat often, as we are influenced by their frequencies and  emotional , verbal , and mental habits not to emntion their microbes too. But social habits may include our psychological perception of our work, economic state, social sttaus, power over other people or being under the power of other people.
10.4) Inner consiousness habits.
Like desire habits, mental habits, vernal habits and habitual emotions